Sam Walton

"There is only one boss: the customer. And they can fire everybody in the company from the chairman on down, simply by spending his money somewhere else."​


Why Choose Us?

'Why choose us?' is a good question and one we don't take lightly. Our answer may be a bit long-winded but it's an important choice, so we thought we'd take the time to explain. If you haven't found what you're looking for on this site please do not hesitate to contact us. 

  1. Referrals - We'd like your reason for choosing us to be as a result of a referral from someone that we've helped before. Referral's or recommendations is the highest form of recognition and is the best reason we can give to 'Choose Us'. However, if that's not the case, then we've added a testimonials page which you may find useful learning what others have experienced by engaging us!

  2. Authenticity - Our firm strives to make a tangible difference to the people and organisations we work with. That means, if we don't think we can help you better than anyone else, then we'll be the first to let you know and explain why. We'll also try and help you find someone that can. We can't, don't and won't work with everyone and fortunately - we don't need to. We made a commitment when we first began that performing well and client success was very important to us. Integrity is one of our core values and means authenticity and honesty are non-negotiable. We've turned away lucrative opportunities simply because we were the wrong fit. Achieving great results for our clients can be challenging and hard work, so ensuring we can work together easily and deliver what we say we can is important. We need to achieve results but we also need to enjoy the journey. To give the best advice requires empathy for a client, and empathy can only come from mutual respect and great relationships. We have a passion for what we do and can achieve, and are uncompromising in our courage to challenge clients and make a difference to those who work with us. 

  3. Delivery - On the delivery side, high director level involvement, targeted expertise, responsiveness and a practical 'hands-on' approach is key to the way we work. In most cases we've generally done it before, so have a good idea where to look for the opportunities and risks. However, every business is unique in its capabilities and the challenges it faces, so we don't 'assume'. The classic designer Angelo Donghia said "..assumption is the mother of screwup"; which we find to be the root of many problems we get asked to solve. Our best work is done on the playing field as opposed to in the grandstand so like to work closely with our clients and their team.

  4. Experience - Our key point of differentiation is that we have a large amount of relevant 'hands-on' experience and a proven track record of achievements, something we find rare with consultants. Having done it before means understanding how to engage at all levels of the game. It can be challenging to find an advisor with the right experience that has not just played the game, but played it well and won. Our approach seeks to share with clients our experiences, our achievements and the critical ingredients for success. 

... advising the world's most aspiring, but thoughtful companies.

Abraham Maslow

"If you plan on being anything less than you are capable of being, you will probably be unhappy all the days of your life."​